We connect Richmonders with information and opportunities to better understand and support newcomers.
Here is a list of things you can learn about:
A better understanding of who is resettling in Richmond and what their experiences look like.
Information about the landscape of local services that newcomers can access (both public and private).
Ways to get involved and volunteer with newcomers.
Stories of individuals from our Newcomer Voices and Ambassadors program* who have had the lived experience of resettlement.
For public and private organizations who serve newcomer communities, strategies for how to build inclusive, equitable programs and services specifically tailored to addressing barriers that newcomers face.
To request a presentation by a staff member or a member of the Newcomer Voices and Ambassadors program, complete the request form below.
*Please note that there may be fees associated with Newcomer Voices and Ambassador or consultation requests.
You can also use this form if you would like ReEstablish Richmond to have an informational table at your event.
Please email kate@reestablishrichmond.org if you fill this form out because the form is not regularly monitored.