Equipping Newcomers to Access English Tutors

Hakim* and Sara* are newcomers from Myanmar. When they arrived, they were eager to start rebuilding their lives but faced significant language barriers that hindered their ability to communicate effectively and integrate into the community.  Last year their resettlement case worker referred them to ReEstablish Richmond for in-person English tutoring support. 

Caleb is a volunteer who was looking for a way to make a meaningful impact in our community. He participated in ReEstablish Richmond's volunteer English tutor training and received a literacy bag with workbooks and materials to get started. 

Hakim and Sara first met with Caleb a few months ago. Guided by a textbook with illustrations, exercises, and activities, each lesson includes a review of what they learned before and then adds something new. Hakim and Sara study at home between lessons. Week by week, they’re making progress. While working together on vocabulary and skills practice, all three are building a relationship and learning from one another. 

Now Hakim feels more confident talking at work. Sara is more comfortable interacting in the community. Thanks to ReEstablish Richmond and volunteers like Caleb, Hakim and Sara are creating connections, learning English, and feeling more at home.  

In 2023, ReEstablish Richmond matched 68 clients to English tutors. Your donation today will support more vital connections between newcomers like Hakim and Sara and volunteers like Caleb in 2024. 

* Name and some details have been changed to protect client identity. While this story may represent one individual's experience, it also reflects the common experiences of newcomers from this background.