ReR offers permit classes in three different languages in 2019!
This winter we are offering Learner’s Permit preparation to 3 different classes, interpreted into 3 different languages, in 3 different locations across Richmond. It’s definitely a team effort! We are so full of gratitude – to the volunteers, interns, and staff who devote their time and energy to organizing, driving, and caring for children – to the interpreters who ensure clear communication between the teacher and students – to the community partners who generously donate space for us to meet and study. Together we are helping newcomers connect to their wider community and move toward transportation independence! Thank you to our partners at Westminster Presbyterian Church , CrossOver Healthcare Ministry, and Tabernacle Baptist Church in Richmond's Historic Fan District! Coming this spring: Our first class in Spanish at Sacred Heart Center.
Arabic Class at Crossover Healthcare Ministry
Swahili class at Tabernacle Baptist Church
Dari class at Westminster Presbyterian